Dr. McCann has served as a board member or chair of many education and non-profit organizations
- Santa Barbara County HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care Council, Chair/Co-Chair
Partners for Fit Youth, Santa Barbara County, Chair
Association of Planned Parenthood Leaders in Education, Chair/Co-Chair
Fatherhood Coalition, Santa Barbara, Founding Board Member
School Site Councils, Santa Barbara, Chair
Dr. McCann has received several awards for exceptional program development
2011 Model Practice Award, National Association of County & City Health Officials, for Healthy for Life & Una Vida Saludable, bilingual health education television shows
2005 Model Curriculum Award, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, for Amigo a Amigo Teen Peer Outreach Program, curriculum
2002 Outstanding Video Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, for The Party’s Over: Sex, Alcohol, and Pregnancy, educational video
2000 Autism Society Parents Group Award, for All of Us: Talking Together, bilingual sex education video for parents and professionals who serve people with developmental disabilities
1995 Special Recognition Award, American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, for Be Cool: Coping With Difficult People, educational video and curriculum