Dr. McCann has served as a board member or chair of many education and non-profit organizations

  • Santa Barbara County HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care Council, Chair/Co-Chair
  • Partners for Fit Youth, Santa Barbara County, Chair

  • Association of Planned Parenthood Leaders in Education, Chair/Co-Chair

  • Fatherhood Coalition, Santa Barbara, Founding Board Member

  • School Site Councils, Santa Barbara, Chair

Dr. McCann has received several awards for exceptional program development

2011 Model Practice Award, National Association of County & City Health Officials, for Healthy for Life & Una Vida Saludable, bilingual health education television shows

2005 Model Curriculum Award, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, for Amigo a Amigo Teen Peer Outreach Program, curriculum

2002 Outstanding Video Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, for The Party’s Over: Sex, Alcohol, and Pregnancy, educational video

2000 Autism Society Parents Group Award, for All of Us: Talking Together, bilingual sex education video for parents and professionals who serve people with developmental disabilities

1995 Special Recognition Award, American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, for Be Cool: Coping With Difficult People, educational video and curriculum