Dr. Scott McCann has worked as an educator, administrator, counselor, and consultant for over 30 years.
Dr. McCann taught psychology and human sexuality at Santa Barbara City College and Antioch University for 20 years. He has published numerous articles, curricula, and videos, presented at national conferences, and produced award-winning radio and television shows, including Speaking of Sex and Healthy For Life. Most recently he facilitated a support group for men with prostate cancer.
Dr. McCann earned a BA in sociology at UCLA, a master’s in social work at San Diego State University, and a PhD in education at the University of California Santa Barbara. He worked in special education for 10 years, served as the Vice-President for education at Planned Parenthood for 16 years, and was Director of Health Education for Santa Barbara County Public Health for six years. He is currently writing a book based on his experiences at Planned Parenthood.
“Dr. McCann is an example of what all teachers should strive to be.”